
What are the benefits for Service Providers who join the TPN program?

TPN membership provides Service Providers with a number of significant benefits including: reducing the number of annual security assessments from multiple Content Owners; centralized and standardized communication with all member Content Owners; ability to manage entire company security status in the TPN+ platform, including owned and licensed applications; ability to share non-TPN security certificates such as ISO or Soc2; ability to self-report security status per site or applicaton to earn a TPN Blue Shield; ability to undergo a 3rd party TPN assessment per site or application to achieve a TPN Gold Shield; visbility for your Company in the TPN+ Company and/or Application registry; ability to view other Service Provider’s TPN status in the TPN+ registry including access to various application hardening guidelines; and ability to access all of the foregoing benefits in respect of wholly-owned subsidiary companies.